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Good evening I'm a lot, now I am as I'm trying to stay calm as it's bedtime you know at 1 am I am but I feel like it's important to talk about for me personally and I'm sure it's a no it wasn't like the questionnaire for the ADHD assessment but the job consistency and why it's hard for us to keep a job So are working minor memory is always at a at a disadvantage compare to let in a typical pair of people we just can't remember as many things we we constantly have thoughts going through a Headstart necessarily relevant to work so we forget instructions forget items maybe forget clothing do you have to bring to work And normally managers employers are pretty fed up of this sort of behaviour and they don't give you a chance or they aren't very lenient with it and I've had experience where I didn't pass my probation because apparently I didn't remember enough drink orders at the same time when I was honestly try my absolute hardest so it's all managers are just dickhead and they won't give you any leeway and an office jobs I especially struggle with I'm also dyslexic so I can never really understand or comprehend letters in the words and instructions again and consistency It's always takes me a lot longer to remember things I make a lot of mistakes but personally I found a job and it's a waitressing job so I'm always on my feet are moist moving and they seem to be a lot more lenient there with me and they're happy to help me on the team and yeah I feel like I know it's not something I wanna do forever but I am yeah it's a start to bring in some money and I've had a mini jobs in the past I think I've had like 10+