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Hello to anybody who comes across this post I just wanted to ask people on here so I like BTS right and I wanted to ask what is your overall opinion on BTS and why and if you say you don't like them because of their fans I'm sorry I'm not gonna take that as a valid reason because that's their fans and I'm talking about BTS themselves I just wanna know whether you like them or you don't like them or just what you think of them overall so thanks
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My opinion on BTS is that they're a really good K-pop group. Probably one of the most talented groups I stan, honestly. Like, their choreographies, they're very, very good. I really like their dance moves. They're all very talented. The member specifically that caught my eye when I started to stan BTS was Jimin. Jimin specifically, like, I love him so much. He became my alt-bias, like, immediately. I love him so much.
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