How to stop toddler tantrums. I have been there too many times. I know you have probably been there and if you haven't gotten there yet with your kiddo you will. And I'm just gonna share some of the tips that I have kind of learned along the way. My oldest is 2 and it's not foolproof. Okay this might not work every single time but if it gives you some options that you haven't already already tried. Please try them. It might save you some sanity. So with mine, the first thing that I do is I try to take her outside. If we're not already outside, I try to give her some fresh air for a couple of minutes, try to calm her down, and I try to just switch up the scene. Sometimes we're in the house for a very long time, and I feel like even for me, I need a switch of scenery, so I feel like that helps. My second option is to put them in the bathtub. She likes like a sensory stuff so I try to put bubbles in there. I even have a lavender scented one so it kind of switches up the sense. I let her play in there if she wants to be there. Usually she calms down after that. It kind of gives her something else to do, something like a distraction. My third option is to try and not only put her in a different environment, maybe in a different room if you can't go outside or maybe you're out in public somewhere is try to give her a treat of some kind. So like a popsicle, my kids love popsicles, so that usually does the trick. But something that your kid likes or maybe a different toy that you haven't given them yet. I keep a lot of their Christmas toys and I separate them and then give them throughout the year and that tends to help. But yeah, let me know if you haven't tried these or if you have or if you have any tips or tricks on how to get your toddler to stop Tantrums.