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Sometimes you see both the moon and the sun in the sky. Why do you think that is? Do you believe that the Hop weather machine exists? Let's talk about it.
Yes, the heart of Antenna is an invention of Nikolai Tesla and yes, it does work at weather warfare And I used to work for FEMA and I can back that up. It is a a device that can cause
Caused a drought out west to raise the price of food. Caused a hurricane out in the Gulf of Salamence, Louisiana. and called Hurricane Katrina so that we can have a military exercise under...
Under a disaster so that we can go in and disarm people and relocate them for a hurricane or a earthquake in Haiti or a tsunami, yes they can control it.
Actually, this is why I've been like sending people the Earth is flat. Like, because like, look, how do you prove that? Exactly, they can't prove that. So this means the Earth is flat, you know? Yeah, I know I'm so smart.