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All right so I know this is about to be a very controversial topic but greatest game of all time I am going to go with Final Fantasy the reason why character development character in the introduction like I just cannot get over how Final Fantasy just flows so smoothly each game is different you know And honestly a great game gives birth to things like great movies and for me Advent children is one of my favorite all-time movies like ever I love advent advent children so like my question to you is I guess agreeable or not agreeable late and if not what game do you believe in why do you know because for me I just I think in order to be a great game especially like one of the greatest games of all time you've got to have an upset substance to your story in order to continue and make as many games as Final Fantasy has made There's just an all-around well rounded game for me a on whatever system mobile or whatever you played on it can be turned into essentially anything and still be great
I can I can be into Final Fantasy but you got to catch me with a story and most of now a Final Fantasy stories has been suckage like after I guess 10x I said clinic.
You did say 10X, that's funny, but um, no, I get you, I hear what you're saying and that's true is that like Nowadays I do feel like the games have gotten a little off track just with the crazy storylines, but it's just a lot of care
The character intros are awesome, you know what I'm saying? But I've been a fan since winding on the SNES to X and X2 and I love the storylines, now is just like there's no more storyline so it's not appealing to me.
Final fantasy is one of my favorite franchises but I got to go to kingdom hearts because it's final fantasy with a better place though and Final Fantasy 16 is going to have a similar place that Halle
But I was just telling Brandon I want to start playing that I was I was I said we got to start playing because I'm always talking about it so we need to go to Best Buy and buy that plays season five kingdom hearts is that PlayStation
I mean to this day I still play it is just you know no more is no more story to make to attract me in Don't want to play more. You know what I mean? like bring me into the story for me to be in the game to love it.