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Rio Da Yung Og โ€ข 688d
Rio Da Yung Og
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Rio Da Yung Og
I just seen a public experiment like when I think of TickTock and they did both sexes male and female now why is it tights and I'm not picking sides but I thoroughly want to know why is it that every time when a person is it has to deal with sex every situation with their gender like this guy was getting sexually harassed but the girl and vice versa the guy gets picked on for it but the girl is saved immediately Why is that why is there such a double standard when it comes to these things
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I don't know I feel like asking why is it the most standard it's kind of stupid you know there's always gonna be a double standard and I think we all know why but that was there and exist you know I mean it's it's never gonna go away it's always gonna be here it sucks
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I think it's more because if you're a guy and you get sexually harassed, there's actually assaults that are molested. It's, you know, seen as feminine and like weird and not really, you know, as a man. just stick up yourself and it's just not... it sucks for like... yeah.
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