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I really hate having to deal with the incompetency, incompetency, incompetence, incompetence of a corporation. I hate it. Ooh, I hate it. Because they be trying to make you pay for some shit that they done fucked up on. And that makes me want to strangle everybody in the corporation. It does. Because I'll be like, I'm not, I shouldn't have to pay anything. Anything, y'all fucked up. Not me. So why I got to pay for a fuck up, you did. I don't like it, I don't like it. When a corporation does some shit like that, I be wanting to burn the motherfucker down cause obviously, y'all don't like it. Y'all don't know how to treat your customers. Y'all don't know how to treat your customers and y'all don't like making good honest money. burn it down.
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