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Kayla Self 545d
Kayla Self
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Elijah 545d
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Zachary Mendoza
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Lynn T 528d
Lynn T
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Gelöschtes Mitglied
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OK what is the weather like where you live so I live in Michigan sadly I literally hate it here I want to move to like I wanna move to like Canada or Australia or something I don't know but this weather is literally all over the place yesterday was actually super freaking nice out and then today it's supposed to snow and it's bad I just don't get it like it's almost April Like why can't it rain at least in the snow I'm just so over this weather I just want it to be sunny out I need this like seasonal depression to be cured so yeah what is the weather like where you live
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It's fucking Texas and it's cold and my... Ooh! The person I'm living with is driving me nuts and I'm about to sleep behind a building in this cold-ass weather and I'm not f- Ooh!
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From Arizona is hot as fuck like bro I don't even know why so hot as I are 90° bro is April
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I live in California it can be rainy for one minute then the next minute it will be sunny are used don't understand him
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North central Florida here 89° does not feel like it's 89° feels like it's 1,000,000° is hot my skin is on fire yeah it's hot not as hot as it will be it will be super Duper hot but we get nice cold weather in winter because we're north central but as of right now it's very hot burning hot
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