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Auntie Social 407d
Auntie Social
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Okay, I've got a question for y'all. What movie will you insist upon someone watching if they haven't seen it? And why do you think people should see it? For me, like, I know a ton of people who haven't seen Star Wars and honestly, like, I don't care. I don't think that movie really, like, I love Star Wars. But like, if it's not your bag, it's not your bag, you know, I get it. I don't really want to watch Twilight. I could probably be talked into it, but I'd probably come out of it going, yeah, I really didn't need to waste those hours of my life. So I want to know, like, what movie are you confident enough to, like, talk someone into watching and saying, like, you have to see this. It's a must. And why? Personally, I've had to do this with my husband. He's not from America originally. so there are a ton of movies I've had to like make him watch and I gotta say nine times out of ten when we rewatch it together I'm I end the movie going you know what you didn't need to see that that happened with the jerk which is one of my all-time favorites Beetlejuice even which I still I love but you know I'm like yeah I mean you don't like it and I guess I can see why having watched this This is the dope, but I gotta know. What's your favorite?
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Fried green tomatoes and now and then. I would not have said this normally except recently I've come across a couple people who haven't seen it and I did insist that they watch it. My sister enjoyed both.
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