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Ha ha so funny you think you're funny such a dirty ass up you stink ass bitch ass Knigge training Joey fuck you dirty ass Knigge come spin bitch fuck is the guy to the ass and suck my whole dick
And you sound like a baby back bitch shut your flava Flav Buddha ass up fucking sitting over here with Brixton bullies fuck I have an ass shut the fuck up
Oh are you slow it says read us but anyways yeah I'm from New York as you can tell like like versus three test to fit the picture that it's like straight everything
Alright, well all I see is the same person in 3 different pictures but I give the fit 5 out of 10. I hate how the pants are like tight at the bottom. That looks ugly to me, but solid 5 out of 10.
Oh my boy are you saying tomorrow reach you and shit already like you kind a like look like the death of a Doobie say hey man fuck out of here like situation