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Prince Nømic 461d
Prince Nømic
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Liv 338d
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This is one of the videos. Anyway, so, here we go. I'm going to try not to smile. I'm going, I'm not telling you where I'm going because it's not your business. Like stay out of it. So yeah, I'm going to try not to smile. I'm going to get some black t-shirts because I am EEM. Oh, oh, oh, oh. I'm just kidding. Um. Hey she was good, she was going to have a dream that can be solved. I can't remember. I won't leave you. Right, so guys I want you to rate. Rate, Kedi, AJ and Ashaki out of 10 because I need to know because I think they're both, I mean all three of them are hot. Slight rating.
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I ain't gonna lie but Age of God vibe, you know me age of God vibe shark is the same, but Kenny I can't you know, they'll be off You'll be the new game the bad be same mental all the time. I mean like you be same mental. I don't know. You know, that's the ***** That's it. That's what I'm saying.
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