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Kay L 552d
Kay L
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Kay L 552d
Kay L
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Kay L 552d
Kay L
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When I was younger, I wanted to be strong. I wanted to be able to protect people. So of course, of course, well, coming from watching anime, I wanted to, I guess, be like them in a way. over the years as I got older my self-esteem and motivation got ruined basically. So it was like I would work out sometimes and then stop or I'd start shadowboxing and then stop. And it's like I wish I continued and I wish I had the motivation but I just never did. Like I never had that push I never really had. Not saying I needed anyone but because I don't know how to explain it like coming from being around especially family members who never pushed me to try and do better for others they just you know kind of downed me and just left it alone like there was like every disappointment just made me feel worse and worse like a failure so I never really got over it and I guess kind of kind of trickles in and the more I get older the more I'm just like I'm so sick of it like I wish I could get rid of this feeling I'm always I'm all well I'm saying I'm always gonna feel like this eventually one day one day i will feel fulfilled but that day is not today oh but yeah i just i think okay sorry or i'm gonna say if there's anyone who's feeling like this out there. They need that motivation.
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Like I was saying before I was really interrupted. Damn, I forget this shit's two minutes. Um, what I want to say is, go and do what you want to do. Let fuck with it. I don't care if it's
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But please go out there and do something great. Be great if it's music, do music, if it's being a doctor, going to college, anything. Even if you're in high school you're just trying to get your grades at least to a B or C.
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A B or C is decent. I would be happy if my kid brought home C's. Because in reality, what if they work their hardest? That's all you gotta do. Work your hardest. The outcome
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