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oh my god yeah like it hurts so bad and who would try that that's just terrible like my mom said it hurts but i don't know i wouldn't know Cause I don't use time pause but my ears are-
Shut the fuck up you fat bitch don't want to listen to your bitch ass anyways. Just the fuck up. Sounds like really just a you problem. I even go a lot.
It's always the white people like the way people don't know how to shut the fucking mouth the fucking Caucasian on Cesar head ass motherfucker like what the fuck is the flavor at like get the fuck on these stupid white ass little boys
For real bro like guys are voting cap like Bruh how are you gonna know you're not a woman you don't go through a monthly. Psycho like you don't understand the pain like tea for real it is not cup it is 100% fine
And yes I have seen those videos them both cannot even deal with that fucking pain lake and the men over here and they come in or not to come to the video avoiding top like be for real you couldn't even handle it yourself
At least someone gets it because not a lot of people do and I've tried talking to like my friends about it But half of them are like I don't get carbs and like I don't have pain in my abdomen when I'm on my period I'm just like
Right bro and you guys wanna fucking understand shit and you're talking about some oh my God it's not painful motherfucker like you don't fucking know how you fuck your feelings because you're not a fucking woman you're fucking retarded as shit
Don't worry love I do understand you fucking Boone I've got kidney stones it's like post to be worse I'm not seeing is sodium stored chatting shit we're supposed to be worse than having a baby so I do understand that shit for five years
For one I'm not fucking nine for two if you had ears you could hear that the fucking video said something dumb function in my fucking voice is stuck like this because I have a fucking cold and it's called strep throat
Yeah don't worry about that damn Nager's professor and Brody that they're just trolls they have nothing better to do they trying to stir up shit on purpose
gon' lie, I do think women can take more physical pain, or I'm sorry, endure more physical pain to the body than men, but men obviously take more emotional and mental pain all the time in the donating phases.
OK but where did this mention anything about emotional pain it's like it is always like this seems to be a goddamn pain Olympics or something not that not that bad
So I was is this like you know my pain is worse than yours type shit it's like one nothing it's unnecessary we get it just go to therapy or something because that's not what this is about
Literally when I'm trying to one up nobody I was just stating that there's different types of pain that males go through That females go through and it's different type pains that females go through the males go through as I was saying You know what I'm saying? If you don't like it too bad, you go to therapy. Fuck that shit. dry ass tongue.
I did most of the people that put carpet guys like boy if you're not a guy if you're not a girl then you tripping because the period cramps are not a joke so it's 100% thanks