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Yeah bro if you Black like me I didn't put everything in that Robbie breast some chicken nuggets so goddamn green beans with some bacon so goddamn hot sauce bro I put an egg in a hoe that shit is borrow money for the cat
What does his like health have to do with the fucking food right now like he was just trying to talk about his food and how he put stuff in it like shut the fuck up girl you sound fat
So growing up I used to eat ramen all the time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So I'm sick of ramen now. So I would have to choose pizza on this one.
Well that must have been very difficult to deal with like ramen all the time If you're lunch, breakfast, dinner, everything. I mean what the fuck? I mean this is like a mindfuck, isn't it?
Obviously, who would choose ramen with pizza? Pizza all the way. You can have it cold, you can have it hot, you can have it whichever way you want, right? It tastes much better than anything else.
I literally would rather ramen. I just had a bowl of ramen recently. well like five minutes ago it was dressed up I had egg and some corn and some peppers it was nice
Oh, ramen any day. You can put so much stuff in it, and I guess you could with pizza too, but like... I've had pizzas so much that I don't even like it that much anymore.
Oh lucky you so were you working there in a pizza shop like what like how come you don't even like pizza anymore cuz you've had it so much like nobody can have so much pizza okay at least