I digress with that last one, but yeah, for all of us who did not have to join, like, organizations to help take care of us temporarily financially, you know, from the military to, um, whatever, like, forms of assistance. assistance because with each form of assistance you know i had to tell somebody even grant money comes from the same place food stamp money comes from so it's like y'all need to be bougie about the way you beg for some shit sorry look i'm just giving a random thought right now but man yeah it is really embarrassing like somebody has to tell you but it must be somebody your age, age appropriate for you that needs to tell you that you are doing a lot of embarrassing things. You haven't gotten anywhere to where you can like shut someone down that have the credentials and like passed your sight, you know, on how to do better, you know, in life period. You more so seem like you are always looking for people to come around you to massage the fact that you're lonely and that like that's what satisfy y'all or satisfy a few people that you know I'm alone and I can get these many people to just be near me you have not led anybody to any type of elevation whatsoever like so that's just interesting because it's like all y'all friends be dying and stuff because y'all don't actually help your friends you get angry at the people who can help them or who do help them and that's wild out.