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I feel like tonight's a very special night for many, many reasons But, uh, you know, it's probably a little bit more on some self-reflecting things And, um, I'm just trying to do more like a study group, uh, open platform Where we just express what it is that we feel, what we see You know, not just addressing the problems But also start looking at possible solutions or how we, how we rectify those problems And, uh, we're not gonna get it all right the first time or in one moment, in one stab but I believe we should start looking at the positivities and also looking at the, uh, solutions and not just identifying the negatives and the problems and harping over them. So they're going to always be there, but it's an opportunity for, for great things to be done. And, uh, you know, I say these things mostly to myself first as I should. And, um, let's move forward, man. Let's just lay it all on the table. It doesn't miss, it's an open platform. You know, the community has many, many needs. The community also has many, many talents, uh, many individuals that they have desires and have aspirations and have the abilities to do those things. And, you know, I take the first step forward as in just trying to mend these things and try to bring things together and try to do unity. This ain't no overnight get-rich-scheme or, you know, some venting and just letting it go all to waste. I think this is something true, something genuine. And I know for me something that needs to be done, needs to be expressed so that the first step towards doing things can be done. i believe that we have the proper foundation platform already laid out it's a matter of everybody coming together uh alone we shall fall but together we should stand and rise you know what i mean and uh that's why i'm there with the people let's start building back our communities taking things back in and building on what what uh uh you know our leaders did before us as far as the civil rights and even going before that and let's start really looking at uh what it takes to stand out be independent
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