Viscount Blackburn Dearest reader, seem I to was right about the weary energy that seems to cycle stereo. We must defy the needs to call out those who do not endure the blessings of content creating and just create.Folgen10TeilenLink zu Post kopieren
Viscount Blackburn Dearest, reader seems as if his Royal highness is taking a leave from the kingdom. Be warned dear readers social meters should be paid attention to and not looked over no matter what. ~Viscount
Viscount Blackburn Dearest reader, perhaps he was not here for the great experiment. Its improper not to understand the that you are the lesser even if only one of us lives. Mind your learning Silver. Naughty naughty~VB
Viscount Blackburn Dearest reader, seems as though Lady Marcel speaks truths we all have awaited. Make no mistake everyone who works gets paid. All except Eloise Bridgeton of course. Good day Lady Marcel.
Viscount Blackburn Dearest reader, seems as if I was right about the chaos in our midst. Lady Marcel seems to perhaps share the same eye for the trouble ahead of us. Do becarful i hear there is a pedo in our kingdom~VB
Viscount Blackburn Dearest reader, Are those of the Stereo kingdom single or entangled? Whom you court plays a role of your public status. Becareful whom you wed, for they may be your down fall~Viscount Blackbird
Viscount Blackburn Dearest reader, Id say take this as an example on how not to win the golden mic award. Sorry Lord Braggeth but you are no longer in the race.Perhaps one should be owned by sleep apnea.
Viscount Blackburn Dearest reader. Today is the day stereo can submit whos the best content creator on the app is. There will be trolling and talks of the “OGs”. There is nothing orginal about them. Dont be fools.
Viscount Blackburn Hunting women. The phrase its self seems a bit cruel does it not. Seems this season is going to need a bit of a kick off hm.. Indeed it shall. Good luck Marcus those vulnarable tend to hunt as well.