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This one might make some people mad but do you believe that getting work done like BBL's and fake boobs and things like that will end up being something that is going to be a bad bad outcome in the future for example before we didn't know how bad cigarettes were are we going to have that same issue with these types of body modifications what do you think
Latino say beauty is paying for no reason and a lot of these people are going to be fucked up with all this plastic inside of them and all these fucking fillers and chemicals and shit just so you can look like your favorite influencer like
Yes, I do think it's more so harmful because all of these different objects do have different chemicals that I'm sure it doesn't belong to your body, going in your body, so I don't Take it safe.
I don't know what's attractive with plastic like I don't understand how people find like plastic balloons plastic everything so attractive like I don't understand like it's to me person no it's not
That shit is stupid as fuck and I don't know who in the rifle mile will waste their money on shit like that And if you do your stupidest fuck, uh make better choices dead-ass. I'm not even joking. I'm not gonna argue it either I just just love yourself, bro.
I want to add a disclaimer here and say that anyone can do what they want if it's what's best for them. Personally, I think it's going to be hurtful just because from a scientific standpoint there's already studies done that show that there can be bad side effects.