Devonte Cannon What’s a conversation that Black people aren’t ready to have yet?🤔Folgen00TeilenLink zu Post kopieren
Devonte Cannon
Devonte Cannon Messy bestie podcast in about 20 mins we talkin about everything and how can you tell a woman/man is gonna be trouble/toxic based on appearance
Devonte Cannon The Messy Bestie Podcast is start at 9:25 PM join us for our last episode of the year as we talk about pop culture and more things
Devonte Cannon Tune in tonight at 8:30pm Est for a Let it loose with Vonte and Josh podcast live as we discussed on Montgomery brawl and more....
Devonte Cannon Is it a red flag if someone you already know in a couple months, showering you with expensive gifts or offering to pay your bills?
Devonte Cannon What is the principle wrong for having sexy red come to a high school and perform her vulgar explicit songs?
Devonte Cannon Going live in three minutes 8:45 PM eastern time, talking about the submarine and more
Devonte Cannon How much should someone spend on a first date ? And should the person who asked the other person automatically be obligated to pay for the date?
Devonte Cannon Are white women more open to being with a man who has multiple women than black women?