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SashMcFlash 54d
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Vlasseus 52d
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And Another Thing With Dave
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So far I've heard Palestinians are the real Jews, Blacks are the real Jews, Japanese are the real Blacks, and Santa Claus was actually Japanese, so is, by proxy, Santa Claus Palestinian?
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so sash essentially what you have is um you have the jews that never left um palestine so basically that's what he's saying is that the jews never left palestine and so jews that are coming um back as israelis are not they are jews but they're not uh the original jews that had never left which were the ones that are already there that have never left
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Yeah, but then you're just accepting that like the term is like extremely fluid, you know Like within like general basic Muslim understanding they'd never use the word Jew as like a designation or like a as like a way of referring to That group of Muslims, you know, I mean
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I get that he's trying to make a point and all. Like, that's fine, but to me, and this perspective is idiosyncratic to me, so I don't mind the disagreement if there is going to be disagreement. I just think it's way more important to question what is the more proper use of the term. Does it refer to the social ethnic group or the religious group? You know what I mean?
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and so I think the more consistent position would be to say that the word Jew mostly refers to the religious group you know like I just think that's the more consistent like historical position you can take on like the meaning of the term like this all social like the thing is like if you think about it like this meaning didn't come until like Zionism really came to the fore like if you really think about it prior to that I just meant the religious group you don't
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Oh, hoy vey, the Zionists, they hate this one. Oh, because common sense. I just want to appeal to your emotions and get a knee-jerk reaction. Because if we talk about facts and details, well then, hoy vey, my argument, it crumbles in upon itself.
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