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The Gentleman Contrarian
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The Gentleman Contrarian
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The Gentleman Contrarian
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The Gentleman Contrarian
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The Gentleman Contrarian
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Good stuff, but you're missing the key ingredient, which is a fine cigar, particularly a Maduro cigar. I would recommend the Padron 7000 series in a Churchill size Maduro.
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So your reply, yeah, I loved what you showed, you know, the tradition, the history, the gold platter and the cognac very gentlemanly. It reminds me of my family. The men of my family are men of service, both military and pastors in the church. I started smoking my first cigar in Afghanistan, had my very first cigar. Interesting thing about cigars people don't know is you don't inhale the smoke. So it's not the same thing as smoking cigarettes. Also, cigarettes have all those carcinogens and a cigar is just a rolled up tobacco leaf that you do not inhale.
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So to finish my statement, cigars is just a rolled up tobacco leaf. That's all, no carcinogens, no chemicals or any of that stuff, and you don't inhale the smoke. But it goes great with a cognac, so don't be afraid to give it a try. There's actually some really good men in the cigar community. But I loved your video, I loved the history and the tradition in it. Thanks.
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Yup. Cigar culture is very friendly. I've been to a lot of cigar lounges all over the world. I have some cigar content on my YouTube channel. I used to do a podcast where I smoked a cigar and I just talked about politics and world events. I'll probably be bringing that back this year. Actually, moving it over to my YouTube channel. But you can take a look at my YouTube channel by hitting the link on my page. But yeah, I do a lot of world travel. I did it when I was active.
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Yeah, I did a lot of world travel as an active duty soldier. I used to visit cigar lounges all over the world that started there left the military and went to do it with the Department of Defense doing the same thing I did in the service and I left the service excuse me. I left the Department of Defense and went on to corporate America, but so I still have two careers both military and corporate. I still travel extensively with both, but yeah, I love nothing like having sitting down having a cigar with the guys and a good scotch. Take care of my.
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