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Majnu 112d
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Majnu 111d
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Yeah, this is for this ignorant imbecile named Joey Roo leaving these ignorant, uneducated messages on here. Come have a neutrally moderated debate with somebody who knows what they're talking about because you clearly don't and you're spreading rumors and lies. So come have a neutrally moderated debate with me or any of our Muslim brothers who know and have studied the history. Stop leaving your imbecilic messages and your propaganda.
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Um, yeah, Joey Roo, you're just an idiotic, imbecilic propagandist. You cannot back up any of your claims with facts, whereas we have facts and history on our side, so come have a neutrally moderated debate with me, or continue to act like a childish, imbecilic, idiotic monster that you are, basically promoting genocide. Good job.
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Well, thanks for showing us what a coward is, Joey Roo. You could have accepted my challenge, 3, 5, 6, 8 responses later, you still haven't accepted my challenge. In fact, I have made many posts for people like you, it's not just you, there are many other psychos on here that are spreading propaganda. Nobody has accepted my challenge, because you're all cowards.
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By the way you keep repeating some things about my intelligence. You must have heard it from someone else because I never boast in that manner. Clearly you're very jealous that someone must have told you that oh hey this guy sounds smart and you keep repeating that like a little baby girl. You're so jealous. Can't even have a debate and wanted somehow say bad things about the person you won't debate.
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Okay, this will be my final message here. So, Joey Roo, you and cowards like you, of course will never accept a challenge to a neutrally moderated debate because you're just cowards, you want to spread rumors, propaganda in your own shows and talks, and on these messages where you don't have to face somebody. So we know what you are. My challenge has been out there for months. Nobody's taken me up on it. That's how you cowards operate. We know that.
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Wow, we really need a better educational system in this country. You're a complete moron, Joey Roo. You have no idea what you're saying. You attended one of my talks maybe a month ago, and you left a message claiming your opinion that you don't think I'm any expert. And you left a message and then you ran away like a little scared girl. That's actually what happened. And regardless of that, I have never claimed I'm a scholar. All I'm claiming is that cowards like you.
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And cowards like you will not accept it and that's fine. That's okay You can still keep crying about the fact that I'm not a scholar fine. I'm not a scholar I've never claimed to be a scholar what I've claimed to do is you bring your facts I'll bring my facts on the issue of Palestine because I've heard some of your talks and you sound like an imbecile and we Need to correct all the crap that you're spreading all the misinformation and disinformation that you're spreading. That is the challenge Do you know what a
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Do you know what a neutrally moderated debate is, Joey Roo? Has anybody taught you that? That is not the same as you popping into one of my conversations and trying to talk to me. A neutrally moderated debate is we find a neutral moderator, we schedule the debate, and then we come to that talk. Again, we've got to have a better educational system here because I feel like I'm teaching you basic English now, which I guess is required. But, once again, this is my last message. I'm kind of done.
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Joey Roo, your comments and insults are tired. You need to step up your game and show us you have a brain. Why don't you accept his invite for the debate? Or is it you, the one who doesn't know much about it?
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Did Hamas attack the Jews in Germany? No.
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Either delete your message right now or just allow other people to berate you on how stupid you are. How stupid you are to not know that there is a genocide going on right now in Palestine. How stupid you are to not know that Israel is not allowing aid through into Gaza. How stupid you are. What should I do? What should I do, Joey?
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Uh, no, what we should be focusing on is the genocide going in Gaza right now. Hello? Hello? Are you alive?
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