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OK and you know how you think that you're gonna have like a little fart come out I have like a long fart and smell back in everybody's back to me and the teacher was like are you dying
Are used to have this kid in my class and he would just let out a fart like at random moments like you'll be done test test of both so funny man and he'll always be like excuse me
I think it was like in third grade we were all sitting down for reading time and I let out the loudest fart at all the kids we're gonna eat you and I was looking around like joining the mess if I wasn't the one that fucking did it
Me and my mom right we went to go get some Chinese food love all right we still walking around to look for like a suitcase at my stomach saw her but I didn't tell my mother I need to go to the restroom right out of the six room by the way
I was standing there standing there standing there thinking like you know I can hold it I can hold it next minute I know I shouldn't myself LA I'm a grown ass age like I'm a grade 6 and I she was so rude
Cause my mom beat me where's the bathroom in the world She had to go buy me a new pair of you because there is shit right in the living room who is this
So this happened a month after I started to play guitar And then I was like hoping I will do it great but then I show it to this girl and then I I messed up everything.
When I was a kid I asked my neighbor if her kids were her grandkids. I don't know why I thought that but she thought I called her old and I was really embarrassed. I was like 10 years old though, I didn't know.
So one time I liked this boy in my class and he called me ugly in front of everybody. and I had to laugh about it because it was embarrassing and I didn't want to cry.
Um, I don't know if it's not popping up for you, but Or maybe you just didn't go to my page, but my face is right there like I guess you might be blind but I don't know it's right there
Every time my mom yell at me in public, like girl come on now you see people alright you're just gonna do me dirty like come on you want to do this in the house.