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Modei Moheem 120d
Modei Moheem
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Le Charmant Sage
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Le Charmant Sage
Modei Moheem 120d
Modei Moheem
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Aleph 𐤀 117d
Aleph 𐤀
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Consciousness 117d
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Her point doesn't make sense. It really does not. So, because if it's all like, if it's too busy, too often, in the midst of the whole women's movement, basically, it was also about her doing the same thing men do, as far as sleeping with other women, for the most part. And if women did not allow that, basically, it would not happen unless he forced himself onto them. So, I don't know what she's talking about there. But when women allow that, basically because he's considered a stud, he's considered the quintessential type of individual, then...
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You know, ma'am, after reading your message three times, I can conclude that you have the skill to say a lot of words and at the same time mean absolutely nothing. You said so much and so little at the same time. It's not an important skill, but it is a skill nonetheless, so congratulations to you for yapping yap yap yapity yap yap, because that's all you did.
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Man, that does not make sense, bruh. This app is an example. It's an example, bruh. If you don't agree with me, that's on you.
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Anyone can say something doesn't make sense. Can you prove why it doesn't make sense? No? Right, so your comment is irrelevant.
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Is that that, I mean, I kind of agree, but disagree at the same time, because most women choose to become what she said, not because, like, a man, you know, has something to do with it. It's just that when a woman chooses that type of thing, most men will not ignore it. It's like a person that chooses to do ********.
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You almost got the point of the post. You almost got it. Keep rubbing those brain cells together and you might get there one day.
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it just sounds like to me that she's making a lot of excuses as far as being the provider what not basically yeah but at the same time so we've never really had a problem with that for the most part is the fact that you don't want to be told what to do if we're gonna be the provider basically we want to be on the main head if you will of the relationship for the most part and the and the paved a path maker for relationship why oh why yeah no you just want control period
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Are you schizophrenic? Genuine question.
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Do you know, I'm not trying to be sexist, but this is one of the very few airtight, logical, rational arguments I've seen from a woman in a very long time. Congratulations to whoever this is.
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Where in the delusional street does she come from women just never take accountability for their own actions and their own Responsibilities as a woman, you know what? I mean at the end of the day Yeah, you can say oh it's man's fault cuz man exists But no you have the choice of who you sleep with you choose. Yes or no if you sleep with that person, right? so that means It's not the man's fault. It's your fault. You said yes, you slept with that person you spoil your relationship or whatever You know, I mean you you spoil your marriage vows or whatever
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