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Julien Lui Litterio
Julien Lui Litterio
Julien Lui Litterio
Le Charmant Sage
Julien Lui Litterio
Julien Lui Litterio
Kendra 124d
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Julien Lui Litterio
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Indica 114d
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Ms Enigma The Scapegoat
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Camscalling 112d
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Khaliyah 111d
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Dorian Alan Ruszel
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Except if you don't follow his rules, and then he will send you to hell for all eternity. Mm-mm-mm, gotta love me that unconditional love, huh?
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actually a misconception because at the end of the day we are all sinners and as long as we follow christ and the lord gave us free will to choose to follow him or to disobey him you know and if we choose to follow him we will get saved by christ who died for us on the cross and you know it doesn't work like that
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Like you might say, oh this is like evil, he puts people to hell, but no, he gives us a choice and a free will, so what do you wish for more, so yeah.
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that's what I meant with it doesn't work this way we're all sinners but we are forgiven by Christ because if we like give our life to Christ and stuff then he's forgiving us like because he carried our sins on the cross you know and also I'm like asking for excuse English isn't my native language so sorry for that
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There's a way to put it, it's more of, there's two roads, right, and one filled with thugs, you know, criminals and stuff, and the other one is filled with the nicest thing you could find in life, like all the good things you could find. If you choose to walk in the thug road, you choose whatever comes.
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You have to keep in mind that you're forgiven by Christ if you give your life to Christ. But I mean if you keep on sinning all the time like I mean like all the time then it's still gonna like be bad because if you give your life to Christ you have to keep in mind that he died and bled for you on the cross. So it's bad, you know?
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Or also you could imagine it like this, if someone is doing a genocide for example, let's take Adolf ****** for example, just to do an example. If he were to give his life to Christ but still went on killing people, then he wouldn't actually have given his life to Christ because he is still sinning and killing people in the millions. So yeah, this is what I mean.
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Know that like I know that like you just come on. I know that we know that you know that stop posting it You're not gonna get nothing from this
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don't get me wrong but what what did you mean by this comment like just explain it
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Hallelujah, yes, yes. Praise, praise the Lord, Jesus. Praise Jesus. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
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No, we don't. pfft
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You know why people call him Jesus when his name's Jesus? Um, but actually it was Yeshua. Um, but yeah, he's, he's, he's been gone. He's dead now, so he cannot love anybody. His brain cells cease to exist. So, yeah, you can pretend all you want, but he is dead. I'm sorry to tell you this, but it's true.
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Blah. Meh.
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Only God can do it! Only God can do it! Only God can do it! Only God can do it!
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I agree with that
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