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Truth 142d
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Լєҳɩ 139d
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Zenith 141d
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DoomerDave 140d
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DoomerDave 140d
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Լєҳɩ 139d
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well they're actually the same thing Zionism and Nazism it's always been the same you have to take a look into the history of how both of these got started they're very similar ideologically so much to the point where they both even had an agreement to you know ship out or escort a certain select group of these Zionists out of Germany into Palestine and other regions of such so check that
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It looks more like a police state than a democracy, at least if you're not a Zionist it would probably be more like a police state, but I'm sure if you're a Zionist it might feel like a democracy to you.
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I mean, I mean, sorry, did anybody actually look into this claim? Have you seen the post? Because those were posted on October 7, three different posts she posted, all of which were supporting Palestine and Hamas on the day that a terrorist attack occurred. Also, people she was associated with posted things like victory.
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Well, this woman that is wearing hijab is not Israeli, she is Palestinian and definitely she is lying. She posted something, it's obvious. And of course she is guilty. Send her to jail, please.
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Um, no, this is an Israel, and that is an Israeli police officer speaking his broken Arabic to this Israeli citizen who happens to be Arab. So this is an Israeli citizen. Uh, what do you think, like, that there's no Muslims that live over there on Israel? Wow. How bigoted.
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No, no, no, the comment was for Zenith, who was saying that the woman is not Israeli. She clearly is Israeli, they clearly are Israeli police, because what would the Israeli police be doing in Palestine anyway? Well, they are in Palestine all the time, attacking children that throw rocks.
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Uh, fun fact, most democracies have a freedom of limitations clause, so this is not anti-democratic. Like most democracies, if you call for a media threat, like if she said something like, we should kill the president Netanyahu, you know, or we should kill members of the IDF, that's a direct threat towards the government, and they have a right to, uh, intersect that. You know, um, America does the same thing.
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And before some of you guys, like, try to say I'm supporting Zionism or fascism, no, this is just common police work. Stuff like this could have prevented 9-11 and other terrorist attacks, and they do. Or they prevent school shooters and stuff. If you know if someone says, I'm going to do this, or they make a threat in a public place or on the internet, and it's pretty violent, you clearly have a right to investigate it at least.
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So based off of your comment, I can tell you're coming from a place of wisdom and facts. The people that are on this app talking about this issue, right, those people are coming from a place of emotion. They don't know the history of the situation that was going on over there. These are the same people that don't want to talk about day-to-day politics, but all of a sudden now they know everything about Israel and Hamas and Gaza. See?
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This is why I don't like tik-tok and repost like this because I can't even read the um Channels whole name because it's cropped out and I don't understand their language So and I don't know who her name is so we can't really figure out the context of what she said This is all just based on personal biases You know, it's it's frustrating because I do want to know what she said so I can make a decision But we can't even make a decision on this because it's just vague
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Well, if we were to have really wanted to prevent 9-11, we would have looked closer into the influence of Israel on American politics, specifically that of Zionist groups. Many people will never realize this or look into this, but yes, they are the culprits of this whole orchestration, and ultimately it's to get to this point of war and more profit off of death and corruption, of course.
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Yeah, you're just, you're just anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic. That's literally neo-Nazi talking points, literally, from Mein Kampf and stuff like that. You're a racist, straight up, bro. Or you're too ignorant to know your source of where that comes from. Osama Bin Laden attacked America based on our former relationship with him and our involvement with the Soviet reunion when it occupied Afghanistan in the 1980s. Like, Jesus Christ.
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It's ironic that your talking points are stemming from mass news propaganda. You're literally basing this off of Zionist pro-news media. So you have no original thought. You're just regurgitating what was fed to you on an algorithm. You're literally just a chat GPT script, nothing but an NPC bot consumer in this world. Fuck outta here. Open your fucking eyes and realize what has been done.
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Sorry, got cut off there. But, do we need to look into this? No! Why would we look into what she actually posted and when she posted it? And also the people she was affiliated with and what they had posted? No, why would we look into that? Because we have this, you know, two-minute TikTok video that explains everything from both sides! It's a wonderful world.
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My ex boyfriend's name was Israel and it was spelled I-S-R-E-A-L.
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Fuck Israel. Fuck Palestine. Let them kill each other. I don't care. That war doesn't change my life. It doesn't stop the bills and it doesn't stop the school. I still have to go to work and school every day. It's not gonna affect my life. Once it does, I'll start to care. But until then, I don't give a fuck. I'm in America where I'm safe.
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for Americans to fund the war.
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Yeah, I find that crazy too, but, you know, I can't control the dumbass that's up in office, so I just have to go on with my life, and I feel like a lot of the people who are out protesting in New York or whatever should too, because the bills aren't gonna stop here in America, you know, hell, it could be wartime and they'd still find a way to tax our asses.
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Do you like giving all your money to the government or what?
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