Devonte Cannon The Messy Bestie Podcast is start at 9:25 PM join us for our last episode of the year as we talk about pop culture and more thingsПодписаться00ПоделитьсяКопировать ссылку на пост
Devonte Cannon
Devonte Cannon Messy bestie podcast in about 20 mins we talkin about everything and how can you tell a woman/man is gonna be trouble/toxic based on appearance
Devonte Cannon Tune in tonight at 8:30pm Est for a Let it loose with Vonte and Josh podcast live as we discussed on Montgomery brawl and more....
Devonte Cannon Is it a red flag if someone you already know in a couple months, showering you with expensive gifts or offering to pay your bills?
Devonte Cannon What is the principle wrong for having sexy red come to a high school and perform her vulgar explicit songs?
Devonte Cannon Going live in three minutes 8:45 PM eastern time, talking about the submarine and more
Devonte Cannon How much should someone spend on a first date ? And should the person who asked the other person automatically be obligated to pay for the date?
Devonte Cannon Are white women more open to being with a man who has multiple women than black women?