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You won't prove, huh? You know what you should do? You should one day try reading the Bible Cuz then all this stuff's happening was already predicted in the Bible the whole Palestine war Like it was already predicted in Coronavirus and all those kind of thing and the Bible was written like long ago. So Yeah, how would they know that in writing the Bible? You should pray you would feel God
Well, the Bible was man-made, you know what I'm saying? Also, a lot of people can predict things happening like this, you know, like mediums, not mediums, I forgot, you know, kind of in that area of expertise, you know, I guess mediums can predict stuff like that too, I'm not sure, but, you know, I wouldn't really consider a source because the Bible also contains contradictions.
Oh my gosh bro, dude, God is real, there's so much proof out there. I'm not gonna say all of it because there's so much dude, but I'll say one. How did, you know how the universe started right? It came from a big bang. How did like a proton just come out of nowhere? It had to be God that created the universe, you know? It can't just come from nowhere. A proton can't come from nowhere, you know that?
I know Jesus is real because God created Jesus to choose his path and what he would want to do in life. And Jesus died on the cross for us and that's what he did.
Oh, you ain't playing with that one, man, I know that. When the rapture comes, and we're all going to be lifted from the sky and be lifted in the north, and all the non-believers are going to be there, and, oh man, it's going to be, yeah. But everybody's going to hear the trumpet when everybody's going to hear it, so we're going to see what they say about that then.
Hello, good morning. Well, I'll have to answer this question. Is Jesus real? Of course, yes. Jesus and God are real, because He lives in your heart and also always accompanies you. And then, when you are depressed, you ask Him and He gives you the courage. Jesus is real and you have to believe it.
Well, even though we can't see or appreciate him as he is, but we can feel his spirit in our hearts and around us, and also with the blessings he gives us, so we can feel Jesus and God, so we have to love Jesus, the son of God, and also God, who is the father of the world.