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So it took you a long time to get the question out, but I thought he's gonna ask Do you like these little water-based fragrance smells? Hell nah, they stink Especially when y'all try to cover it using a restroom with it. It affects one
This is a great, great, great question. For me, when a woman shows her body off to the world, the most sacred, I mean, the most intimate aspect of her body. Um, it will be nice to have a great weekend with her, like from Friday to Saturday, but not long term. I women who don't show their bodies. And it's covered. I treat it like minerals at the bottom of the ocean, like gold. It's covered.
I used to be that way when I was younger, but now since I'm older, now it's like, looks are not important, it's the personality, what's inside, that's more important. And yeah, really what's important is what's inside, if she's a good person, if she likes you or whatever, that really is the important thing of all.
Personally, I can never choose a woman that's showing off her body like, let's say, like she just came from the strip hall. If I'm walking down the street with this woman, this is my, this is something that's for me. Not for the whole world to see, you know, like with her breasts hanging out and everything. That would show that I have a lack of relationship skills because I'm choosing a girl that dresses like a harlot. So no, that's a very turn off. The one thing that women need to do is cover up.
I know you said you have a question for the man and I'm a woman there's men in my name so I'm gonna comment. I know that men like when women show off their body despite what we would want to say about these brothers who say they don't like girls that a body count they don't like this and you know how I know I got a big ass booty and everybody always staring up at my ass and I like looking at big asses too they like to shit and they like to look at people gay recognized
This question reminds me of like when I was on 34th Street Macy's and you have the women walking out with their breasts out and I approached them and I said well I approached one and I said how do you feel with your breasts out and you know everybody gawking you she says well they can look but don't touch.