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Today I've got a new one for you guys. This is for all my Dragon Ball lovers out there, yeah, all my anime lovers. Huge U have winning in a fight. Ultra Ego Vegeta or Beast Form Gohan. Me personally, I'm gonna have to go with Ultra Ego because, mate... Listen, if Vegeta knows how to utilise his power, he is practically unbeatable. He can tank all the light attacks here and gain strength from it. And then all those heavy attacks he can dodge so he's not taking stupid damage like it did with granola. If he knows how to use it, he can use it as a form, it's a wrap. And besides, we ain't seen much from Gohan. He has to defeat Cell who's probably above Super Saiyan Blue level. He's probably just like, I'd say he's based on Jiren level. We can see that and Gohan beats him. Okay, and then Toriyama says that Gohan is the strongest mortal so far, right? That we've seen. I think that's cap. Like based off a couple of moves that we've seen, there is no way that Gohan can be stronger than Goku and Vegeta. I mean they've been trading their whole damn lives. Gohan saw Piccolo nearly getting beaten to death and managed to do some crazy DS. Come on, mind. I respect Guhan, I respect the Beast form but me personally I've got Vegeta, Vegeta sorry, Ultra ego Vegeta running in the fire all day.
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