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Well, you can't tell that man, he wasn't jerking, he was jerking. Blow the whistle. Now that is funny, that's how I like to wake up man, good human man, you already know what it is. Per usual, I see you beautiful, Cosmic Oracle, the Goddess, let's go.
Yes, he is dancing and grooving and moving, and so soothing, yeah, blow the whistle, uh, uh, blow the whistle, what, haha, getting jiggy with it, yeah, he's dancing, yeah, he's moving his body, cause he's feeling it, and so am I, you know what I'm saying, that's some groovy shiz night, haha, yes.
dang white man is getting down way better than I can move I can't even move like that no more my knees don't go they say hell no but I ain't mad at it I'm not mad at it let's go then