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Da'iomier Babbs
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Ana Jazmin 229d
Ana Jazmin
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HuschkaPower 228d
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Travis Bickle 226d
Travis Bickle
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Jenna Michelle
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Lj 225d
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I also stay here because it doesn't matter about the money, it matters about her personality.
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The person that says it doesn't matter about the money, it matters about the personality, that is so fucking not true. Because... Or if you're the one who's gonna buy her everything and anything, then that's okay. But then, hell nah.
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Money is not everything. Money is not. You know, relations are more important than money. You know, as long as two people like each other, in fact, have strong feelings for each other, money is the least of their favorites. It doesn't matter. Yes, I would date a woman that's, you know, that doesn't make a lot of money. Because more importantly, if she likes me and I like her, that is more important than anything.
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If anybody's broke, they should be focusing on getting their life together, not dating. So yeah, just saying, if you're broke and you can't, like, fund your own adventures, you shouldn't rely on other people to fund them for you. Just saying. Anybody, male or female, love and light.
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I mean, unlike women, broke women, I don't care about their money, but if they're only going to use me for my money, then they can fuck off. Do you know what I mean? But if they're not, if they're good genuine people who want me for me, then, yeah, I'd still date them. The problem is when women have got money, they only date men, other men who've got money, and broke women only date men with money. So it's like broke men don't have many options.
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