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HuschkaPower 224d
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Girl Talk
Asriat 223d
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Alí 222d
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Phuck 222d
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So last week I talked about walking, specifically asking at that time how often you take a walk, but today I want to ask you do you listen to anything on your walks because personally I don't. I enjoy what's around me even if it's the person next to me starting a conversation. I do not listen to music or podcasts or audiobooks like so many of my friends and family do or even strangers I see on my pathway. So I'm just curious if whether or not you listen to anything.
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Well, if I had somebody with me, somebody that I was walking with, no, I would not listen to any music in any way, because the company that you work with is more important than listening to any music or whatever, you know. But if I'm by myself in the U.S., I will listen to music because it motivates me, I like listening to music, sometimes I even dance and sing along, I don't care if nobody is watching me, but I like to do it.
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you're so real for talking about dancing and singing along when you're alone because i've been there done that no but i totally see where you're coming from because i'm the exact same way but i will say though when i am by myself like in public i definitely like to be more aware of my surroundings but if i'm like walking up on my treadmill at home or at the gym yeah of course music love music but yeah once again if i'm out in nature and i'm by myself no i don't listen to anything
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What kind of music do you listen to? Just out of curiosity. Well, see with me, I like listening to country, pop. My favorite person I listen to a lot and sing along with, I love it, is Elton John. Well, one, because I was named after him, so yeah, but he's a very talented individual, so yeah.
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I walk
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Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Just depends on what I need at the time.
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Whenever I go for like a jog or a walk to the shop or something like that, I usually wear my headphones and I'll start off with like some songs or I'll listen to like my favorite audiobook but if I'm feeling a bit spicy sometimes I'll start with a song and then I'll think about like a book that I want to write one day in the future and I'll just take off my headphones and start acting out maybe some of the scenes in that said story.
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I don't have anybody around me who wants to go for like a jog or a walk, so obviously it's usually by myself But if anybody's behind me on like a cycle ride or like they're going for a walk They must think I'm absolutely insane because I'm talking to myself in character And then switching characters, so it just sounds like I'm a crazy person out in the middle of nowhere It's brilliant. You know, I don't get mad
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I figured out what it is. It's dalmatic jaydreaming. If you're interested in that go have a look at it. It's it's fun I do it like when I'm Cleaning or anything like that. It just makes life a little bit more exciting and interesting. I don't know. I'm just weird
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