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HuschkaPower 509d
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Teach Me English
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So in one of my like work related circles this question was floating around and I really wanted to ask it here. If you could say anything to your 10 year old self what would it be? Like what would you say to the younger version of you? Because for me it's quite simple and it is don't grow up so fast, enjoy your childhood, you know enjoy the carefree moments because when adulthood really sets in that's when all the responsibilities especially with bills and work and all that crazy stuff comes into play. So enjoy being a kid, enjoy the moment and don't forget to appreciate what's around you. So that's definitely what I would say to my younger self. Tell me, I want to know what you would say to your younger self.
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Well, when I was 10 years old, we were always moving, going school to school, and I literally was going school to school. We never stayed in a house, apartment, anything, more than your six months. I would tell my 10-year-old self to don't worry about it, you know, don't stress out. Everything is going to be okay. Trust me, everything will be all right, all right, no matter what's coming at you.
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I'd say to myself, you know, don't be a fucking loser because the world is so damn crazy. So you got to be, um, work your ass hard, you know, and I might say to myself, go and fucking start learning English from now on, otherwise you're going to fucking regret because this language is a fucking damn stupid language that you will ever learn in the whole life. So I probably just fucking think, fucking like that, and you got to be prepared with all of those propaganda that exists in the media, you know.
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