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T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
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T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
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Yeah, I don't get it. Like, she posts her ***** every day, and I always have something to say about it, because, like, they're kind of ass, not gonna lie, literally and figuratively. But then she just gets offended. Like, you posted your ***** for a reason. If I can't comment on your ass and says that looks ugly, then why post them?
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Probably the only people that give her compliments like what she wants is pedophiles and that is not the flex She thinks it is like she's so embarrassing cuz for her to post for her to fucking post her literal ass cheeks Her fucking ***** is crazy, bruh Like and at least make sure they're good to like if she was of age I would still be making fun of her cuz I'm sure it's her ass
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It's also strange because when she gets comments that aren't positive or like directed towards her body She would get like pressed and go in the DMS and then delete the post after So it's really just strange like why post in the first place like posting them already is we're taking them is weirder But posting them after taking them then deleting them is like the weirdest you can go
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I feel like that's most people though, and you know they're embarrassed when they text you too, because it's like, why are you texting me about a whole comment I didn't even think about? I wasn't even thinking when I commented that shit, and you're really pressed over someone on the internet that you don't even know, and then they try to make it look like we're the embarrassed man, we're the insecure one when it's really them. They're embarrassing. They're sad.
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