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Tommy Nation 515d
Tommy Nation
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Tommy Nation 515d
Tommy Nation
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Tommy Nation 515d
Tommy Nation
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Chris Cuzchoodoughno
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Absolutely nothing's wrong with what Jesus stood for. He stood for the poor. He stood for fairness, equality. He stood for turning the other cheek, forgiveness. He stood for lessons learned, sacrifices made. The only problem with Jesus is Christianity. Christianity became a tool under Constantine to
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Constantine, the emperor of Rome, wanted to unite a government under one religion and one law and one rule. So it became the first tool of propaganda. And then it became a tool for warfare. It became a tool for selfishness, for power and greed. And today's Christians worship that Christianity. So Jesus has become a perversion of his own word. And that is what's wrong with what Jesus stood for, is the fact that no longer
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Jesus is no longer the word, and the word was God, and the word was with God, and the word became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus is now a tool for the worlds, the prince of this world. And he has become the devil. He is defined as the devil anyway. What he stood for is no longer what is here, what is reality. That's what's wrong with what he stood for.
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Man, I don't know if you watched that video, but you hit the nail on the head. That's exactly what that guy said. He said the same exact thing you said. They gonna kill him again. That's what they said. They're gonna kill him. Man, he wasn't talking about, you know, in the virtual, in the flesh, but just exactly what you said already, man.
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