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HuschkaPower 367d
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Destrucxo 364d
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Kvッ 364d
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Eugene 364d
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Girl Talk
Aquarius Dawn Aka Your Favorite Troll
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Riv 364d
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Riv 364d
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So there's this dilemma a woman had just gone through with her boyfriend, and I want you guys to listen to this situation. And if you were in her shoes, would you stay or leave? So this woman went out of town. And when she came home, in the doorframe of the place that she shares with her long term boyfriend, she saw something that did not belong to her. And she asked him about it, he said he had no idea where it came from, and then eventually came clean and was like, actually, like, I cheated on you type of thing. Like, basically, he, you know, had somebody else in there when she was not home. And, you know, he did some things he really shouldn't have. He cheated. Now, if you were with this woman, would you stay or would you leave? Because she ended up leaving, she ended up ending the relationship. And I 100% agree with her choice. I believe that that was the best thing to do. And to move forward and start a new life, start a new chapter and just, you know, find somebody who deserves her because that's just so sad to me that not only did this guy do something like that when she was out of town, it's the fact that he did it at all. And you know what, it just goes to show that people, you know, don't really realize what they have until it's gone. And from the sounds of it, he took her for granted. So I feel really bad for her and I'm happy that she's able to move forward. But I'm just curious if you were in this woman's shoes, would you have stayed? They don't have any kids together or anything like that. It was just her and him.
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I don't know why someone like me is talking about this, I hate, I don't want to talk about this for reasons, but like, that ass, like, I've been cheated, I've been cheated on, betrayed and backstabbed and hurt so many times, well I wouldn't say hurt, but like, I've been betrayed and backstabbed and cheated on so many times, so at this point, it doesn't really matter to me, it doesn't really matter if I stay or if I leave, because at this point, I don't care, I don't have no emotions, like, I, there's a girl that I'm with right now at the moment, I love her, but at the same time, we're not really talking for reasons, but she can cheat on me and I wouldn't even care, I love her, but at the same time, we're not really talking for reasons, but she can cheat on me and I wouldn't even care.
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This is like the number one controversy on stereo when it comes to personal relationships. Can you really be in a relationship long-term with anybody, whether it's a man or a woman? Can you really trust that they won't cheat on you? The reason I'm not gonna answer this poll is because I would never live with a boyfriend. And if I was a boy, I wouldn't live with a girlfriend. They are not married. They do not have any obligation to be exclusive.
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I would have left um yeah I would have left like especially if we don't have kids and functionality we don't have anything to like where we going I would have left right mm-hmm that's horrible
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I'm not going to lie, if we're talking about from a non-religious standpoint, I'm out of there. I'm out of there because for one, if you truly love someone, you respect them, and you would never think to cheat on them, you would at least do them the decency to let them know you are unhappy or simply just leave. And then, if you're looking at it from a religious standpoint...
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Yeah, so if you're looking at it from a religious standpoint, I mean, it does say in the Bible that if, you know, your partner commits sexual immortality, meaning they cheat on you, you do have the means to divorce them because things are not going to be the same, you know, you're not going to be the same after that and you're going to have to deal with that burden of knowing your partner cheated on you, which is heavy.
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