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Top flight. It was good Melly. I hope the rest of your work day go well. I had a hard off today. I'm at home chilling and you're feeling too good. But uh, you have a good one though. Bye.
South Flite, you already know. What's good, Melly? Hope you're having a good day at work. I called off today. I ain't feeling too good. But you stay safe, though. And do the bare minimum, my *****. Cuz you know they ain't paying us that good, but... You know. Oh, jeez, shorty.
Night. What's up, Rizzy? I mean, I ain't going with you. I ain't feeling the best either. Shit's hitting around. I don't know what's going on. I literally had to go home early last night. Or at work, but you right. I take that shit easy, man. I don't get paid enough for the bullshit that be coming at my job. Anywho, I hope you feel better, gang. Feel better, all right?