Cosmik Oracle A leaf sheep - tiny sea slug that looks like a cartoon sheep 🐑 This amazing creature is one of the select few in the world that can use algae for photosynthesis. It gets its energy from the sunПодписаться80ПоделитьсяКопировать ссылку на пост
Cosmik Oracle Are you aware of this? See, I was informed quite awhile back ago that this was in the process of happening & then about 7 months ago it was reconfirmed by 2 folks I know who’s in the know due to work.
Cosmik Oracle Once upon a time long long ago I had the privilege of chillin‘ with Taboo for awhile after a Black Eyed Peas & N.E.R.D. show in San Diego! I love this vid!! Artistically exquizzzit! 💜