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To get out of it, it depends on what platform you have to do a strategy or another, or even talk to the platform to see what problem there is. It is usually due to some inappropriate publication, something that breaks the policies, or something censorable, etc., that is published, or something that does not enter the popular discourse, etc. In this case, they apply a shadow ban, you continue to work normally, but you do not receive the same feedback.
When the algorithm detects something, a weird hashtag, any detail, etc. or the same platform, they apply the shadow ban, which is that you publish, you are in the normal network, but your reach and what they see is minimal. So for some you have to uninstall it, delete everything and start again, and others you would have to see what has failed to try to avoid it. So it's chaos and the truth is that it's censorship. Greetings