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What's up, y'all? This your boy, BigBodyMoneyRed. Get it. I'ma do a little rant right now, like, for real, cause I'm real tight and I'm real irritated and I'm feeling real eerie because my thing is this, don't take my fucking kindness for weakness. Don't ever do that. And don't take me trying to be cool with you for weakness either. Don't do that. Just because I want to be cool with you and be nice, laugh, and kiki with you don't mean you can sit there and think of it as me being weak. No. Because you still get the same energy. And then my thing that makes me mad about it is that this person who tried that shit today, like, they know how I am. They know I don't play that shit. And that you're trying me. And the only reason why you feel like trying me is because I won't speak to you. Like, you get cut off. Like, it's nothing. I'm a Gemini. We cut some off easily, quick, and fast. Like, it's nothing.
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