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Kyliez 362d
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I have austim
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Che mon you
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So this time of year, caramel apples are incredibly popular and I want to know, are you a fan of them? Because for me personally, I'm actually not. I wasn't even that much into apples until a couple years ago. I know, crazy. But yeah, I feel like everyone is so into them and I don't see the hype, like I don't get it. So am I the only one when it comes to this or, you know, let me know if you're not a fan either.
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Yes, honey! Caramel, caramel, potato-potato, tomato-tomato, it's all the same, right? Yes, caramel apples. They are delicious and worth every... No, I'm kidding. They're not worth the cavity, but they are good and I only have them like, you know, during holiday. So, it works.
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Yeah, that's right. Potato, potato. Tomato, tomato. Potato, cotato.
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Well, I've never had them, and I don't intend on having them either, cause I believe, you know, fruits are supposed to be eaten just the way they are. Any more experimentation and you just ruin everything. So yeah, that is my reason. I think apples are good, they taste good, there's no reason to modify their taste or structure or anything.
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I totally agree with you because fruit for the most part is definitely enjoyable on its own, but there's just something really cool about having chocolate dipped strawberries or just like what is it the power berries from Trader Joe's if you've not had those I highly recommend. But yeah going back to what you said no I totally get it like I would not want my apples dipped in anything for that matter so yeah good point bringing that up.
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I've never had one before but from the look of it I don't think I would be a big fan because I feel like it's gonna be too sweet.
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Nope, nope, we're not a fan, not a fan of caramel apple. Good, they're tasty, they are. I used to, I think, like them when I was young. Probably not, you know, the greatest fan of it, but I was like, ooh, caramel apple, let me get one of those. But yeah, no, I think it's just a seasonal thing. It really just is a seasonal, like pumpkin spice. It comes around and it's just one of those favored flavors. So yeah, but yeah, I'm not a super fan of it. I also do think it's hyped up.
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I love caramel apples except I'm weird. I make my own from scratch because I don't like the high fructose corn syrup caramel. I like real sugar, brown sugar and butter and make my own and that's so good. And I'm picky about the apples too. Not just any caramel apple, but my caramel apples. Yeah. Mm-hmm.
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