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I'd say the unknown. I'm trying not to be the type of person that doesn't need to know all the details, but I'm a little anal like that. The unknown kind of scares me. The dark used to scare me, but that's why I have a Himalayan salt lamp.
Bro, I'm not scared of no dark, bruh, but the unknown, hell nah, I ain't even gonna lie, I'ma have to pass on that, big bruh, I ain't even gonna lie, that's why I sleep with the light on, on my TV, fuck you sayin', like, *****, what? I'm not sleepin' in the dark, you must be outta your rabid ass mind, *****, fuck you sayin', *****, if I were to sleep in the dark, you would have to, like, turn off the light as I go to sleep, my *****, like, honestly, call my name, like, three times, and then, if I don't answer, they turn off the TV, I'll probably wake up from the darkness, but I don't know.
If anything, I'm scared of the unknown, but just because I'm afraid of something does not mean that it stops me from going out of my way to tempt it. That's the difference between fear, confidence, and bravery. You can be confident, but not be scared. You can't be brave without being scared.