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why is the crib not clean when you bring this lady over if this movie I seen it's called Don John the main character is a wild movie but the main character gets a girlfriend and he cleans his crib and cleans his carpet he's buying products and shit for she's like no why are you doing it you don't need to do
Shout out to the men that commented on this post because yeah why the fuck is the dude not straightening up before the female comes over? Kind of disrespectful and I'm a bit entitled to expect a woman who's coming over to hang out with you to instead just clean your house. Sounds like he doesn't want a girlfriend he wants a maid.
How y'all doing today? Yeah, you goddamn right. But get your ass in that house and start cleaning, woman. Goddamn, don't make me tell you twice. Clean all this shit up. And while you're at it, get your ass in the kitchen and make me a sandwich. And show your ass.
I really understand what Buddy is saying, but no, you ain't finna enter my crib. It's something disorganized, let me clean it up. Before you even get to my crib, my crib already clean, and you ain't gotta walk in there seeing something disorganized. I don't want you doing shit in my house. Go sit your ass down, don't touch nothing.
Nah, ladies and gentlemen, please don't listen to fools like this online. Please don't. They're gonna steer you wrong. This dude most likely single, and if he not single, he with someone and they're miserable. Miserable. It ain't no lady job to come in your house and start cleaning and stuff because your ass messy and nasty. Nah, that's not it. And because you sick, that don't mean she gotta come up. Yeah, we, this man living a fantasy. This man's talking about basically things within marriage. And even then...
No, I don't see any truth to this. This is giving, I'm looking for a maid. This is giving, I need another mama, a grandmama, to come in and take care of everything and to treat me like a giant ass baby. That's what this is giving. No thank you. Clean your own damn crib. And if I come over and see a man's crib is filthy dirty like that, I'm gonna say something alright, but I ain't touching it.
I mean, to be honest, I'm always walk in a ***** house and look around and see what he need, right? But they don't mean you expect me to provide you those things that you need I would do it out of the kindness of my heart because that's just just the type of person that I am and I'm a Nurturer at heart like most women are right, but don't expect that shit from me Like expect it from your mama Your mama should have taught you to and if not then you need to learn how to do that as a grown-ass man and not expecting a woman to come in and Get your shit
Okay, so I had a situation happen like a long, long time ago and I was dating this guy and we went over to his house. We was doing like this lunch date thing and he takes me back to his room. You know, after we started doing some stuff, he ended up leaving the room and I noticed that his floor was like really dirty. So naturally, like being the woman that I am, I just picked up his room. I put, you know, everything in his basket and I stuffed it in the corner. He comes back in the room and he's like, did you clean my room? And I was like, yeah, I just thought he had stuff on the floor. Well, he got mad at me.