Keila White girl starts fight and gets beat up😆#fight #girlfight #schoolfight #funnyfight #fights #keilafightsПодписаться90ПоделитьсяКопировать ссылку на пост
Keila Bro has spider senses the way he dodged them punches 🫣🫣#Guyfight #fights #schoolfight #lol #funny #keilafights
Keila The belt is crazy bruh.. it always the weak ones who need weapons to win a fight smhh 🤦♀️🥱🥱 #fights #girlfights #schoolfights #lameweakgirl #funny #lol #keilafights
Keila She shouldnʻt have touched her mama 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️ #fight #fights #streetfight #funny #lol #keilafights
Keila Jesus wth something always going on in walmart💀💀💀😭😭🤦♀️ #fights #fight #walmartfight #brawlfight #lol #funny #keilafights
Keila So lame boo 🍅🍅🍅 she had to pepperspray her to win weak girls i swear.. #girlfight #fight #funny #lol #streetfight #keilafights
Keila Guy tries breaking in his house not knowing he is home watching him through the peek hole😬😬😬😬😰😮😮🤯 #fight #funnyfight #guygetsowned #funny #lol #burglar #keilafights
Keila Nah cause why am i hearing the n word coming from that girls mouth?...😃😃#whitegirlfight #fight #girlfight #funny #lol