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Okay, I am saying this as a hypothetical situation and I'm just curious where you stand on this, but what are your thoughts on your partner suddenly asking for an open relationship? Basically your boyfriend or girlfriend saying, or husband or wife, depending on your relationship status right now. And they say to you, Hey, like, I still like you. I still want to be with you, but I also want to be with other people too. Would you stick around? Would you end the relationship? Would you say, absolutely not. I'm not going to do anything like that. And you know, we need to do this and that in order to see what's going on. I'm just, I'm just curious. I'm not judging anyone. I feel like for me personally, that is an absolute deal breaker. I am not jealous, but I am territorial in the way of like, I don't want to see my man with another girl. Like that's, that's not really my vibe. And if he wants to continue doing that or wants to do that in the first place, uh, I'm out. I'm not going to be around that for that. And I will wish him the best with the other girl. I'm just, I don't want to be in the picture if that's the case, but that's where I stand. I'm just, I feel like everyone's perspective is going to be different on this. Please let me know what you think.
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Yeah, I'm definitely not for that, but I know some people are into it, it works for them, that's great, but definitely not for me.
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Yeah, I'm right there with you. I, you know, respect people enough to let them do what they want to do, but for me personally, it's not my scene. And if my boyfriend came to me and was like, hey, like, you know, let's have an open relationship. I, yeah, it's a deal breaker for me. I want him to go do his thing and then I'll go do mine. And that's a fact.
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Based on the many many reddit stories I've seen, that just means they want to cheat without the consequences of cheating. They either are already cheating on you, they have someone in mind, or they just aren't satisfied with the relationship. It's fine to like start out a relationship by being like, hey I'm poly but not in the middle of a relationship.
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the whole reason we get with people is because we judge them that they're better than other people to be with so all of a sudden I'm not good enough for you go fuck yourself that's what I'd say bye don't waste your time your emotions your energy on people that obviously have a serious problem and that's a judgment that's a serious problem when you've decided that one person isn't good enough for
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Wow, these replies are all over the place. First, let me just say that it is okay to not be everything for one person. In fact, I think it is extremely naive to believe that you could be everything for one person. One's desire for an open or poly relationship doesn't necessarily mean that they don't like you anymore, or they want to move on, or they want to cheat. It's just that they want to explore their options, and that's totally fine. Lots of people start out being monogamous and then open it up, and still manage to have an incredible relationship.
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