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Cunty McShitballs
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Eugene 540d
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Sacred Journey Lab
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This is why I say you should seek God if you have a cat. Look at this, out of free will, not in danger, not provoked, it's not protecting anything, just casually came up to the woman and bit her. If this was a dog it would have been put down. Literally the only times dogs will **** you is if it's in danger, it's defending something or it's been trained to attack someone. Other than that it will not just casually come up to you out of free will and **** you.
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How y'all doin' Dave? Well Eugene, uh, yeah you're right. Dogs don't just go up and **** folks just for the hell of it. But I do. I love just going up to women and biting them. Especially on their butts. Rawr! So yeah.
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