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I don't see the problem with you getting a Happy Meal if you want one, but there are some fast food places that wouldn't allow you to get one, considering you're not a kid. So, I would pay attention to that, I guess.
Yes, there was many adults that ordered My Little Pony toys at McDonald's and it caused a lot of mayhem and confusion and sadness and it brought a plague.
I've seen so many senile old people order a fucking Happy Meal literally just because they don't want to order anything that big, so yeah, I'd say it's fine.
Yeah, and if anyone got a problem with it, they can suck your big fat fucking ****, my boy. It don't fucking matter what anyone thinks. Do what makes you happy.
They currently have Pokemon cards and the Happy Meal at McDonald's, but that's never gonna last. They'll change it up to something else for another promotion.