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So when it comes to pizza, I feel like everybody has a certain way that they like it in terms of toppings So which is why I want to ask what's your favorite topping or toppings on pizza for me? I love black olives green bell pepper red onion cherry or grape tomatoes Honestly, the more veggies the better. I love veggie pizza I will never say no to a veggie pizza or a cheese pizza even but meat or poultry Not really a fan anymore. I used to love that when I was younger Not a slice I reach for but anyways, yeah, let me know
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Okay, unpopular or maybe popular opinion, but I love pineapple on my pizza. A good pineapple, pepperoni, garlic, oregano combination just schmecks.
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That's so funny you brought up that because that was probably one of the first controversial questions I've ever asked on my page and it was pretty 50-50 at the time I personally am NOT a fan, but my sister is the biggest fan. So I get it. I totally do
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Well, being a vegetarian, I do love veggies on my pizza. I like black olives, I like all kinds of vegetables, but I like cheese more. So, I normally go for cheese burst or extra cheese or something like that. I love cheese on my pizza and lots of vegetables as well.
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I feel that, I love veggie pizza too, like they um, what's that motherfucker called? They got that Roman style pizza or something, they make them at um, Italian places or something. And, um, I'm trying to remember, what was that, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, they would put a whole, almost like a salad on the pizza, and I just, I loved it. No grease, no nothing, just straight bread, cheese, and vegetables.
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veggie pizzas are actually so good yeah but I just get mine with spinach and green peppers it's just it's so good I just I can't do olives though people love getting olives on their pizzas I can't do I hate olives but other than that veggie pizza is to die for
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I demand for every single vegetable offered in the world on my pizza as a topping. I will not accept anything less.
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Great minds think alike because I am the exact same way. The more veggies, the better. You know what? One day we got to have a pizza date. I'm telling you, we got to hang out.
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Supreme pizza, bruh. It's always the way to go. Honestly, I used to be like a big fan when it came to like pepperoni pizza, but uh, honestly, now it's supreme, bruh. I put everything on it. Black olives, fucking black olives, onions, banana peppers, mushrooms, everything. That shit is amazing. It's always the way to go.
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Okay, so either broccoli, onions, garlic, mushrooms, and black olives. Chef's kiss, so delicious. Or I wanna say it was brie with like just like the margarita pizza, but with brie cheese and like some basil. Chef's kiss, baby.
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It honestly depends on where it's from. Because if it's like a homemade pizza, pepperoni, well actually everywhere it's pepperoni. Besides like Donato's then it's sausage and then Papa John's is like pepperoni and sausage. Like other than that it's pepperoni. So it kind of depends on where it's from.
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I don't know, maybe it's me, but I always feel like a good combination of meatlovers would be the best. I got PTSD a little, because that shit, when my tooth broke, my teeth, tooth, whatever, broke off one of those, and I never forgot about it since. Now I got a weird paranoia about that shit, because it never was able to grow back. But anyway, probably meatlovers. Honestly, I'm not a simple person. I'm willing to try almost anything. I'm as simple as personal. I could put almost anything on that shit. Try it at least once.
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