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SmallTownGirl 547d
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I got called out to work today now I'm still trying to figure out all this bullshit so I don't know if it's gonna work or not but I decided to record my drive out and show you all these wind farms out here in West Texas now as you're watching this video I'm actually talking and you know explain a little bit but I don't know if it's gonna show up once I post this because I don't know how this fucking shit works and you know but I'm glad so many people decided to help me out on my very first post when I asked for help. Some people's kids. Let's see what happens you know let me know what you think if you like if it worked or it coming out right or not if it was a piece of shit. Why don't you try it again or whatever
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My sister lives in Houston, and her husband works for the oil field. It's just so ridiculous what this administration has done. They're just crumbling the American economy, and God help us.
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